Bethlehem Methodist Church
Bethlehem Methodist Church
The OPS Team decided to try this legend that is supposed to happen when you drive around Bethlehem Methodist Church three times and then pull up front and turn out all the lights. We never saw the bright yellow orb floating around the cemetery or across the road and we have tried driving around the church three times on three separate occasions and have yet to see any movement from the window blinds. The only thing that happened that we could not explain was the second time we did this; only two team members were present. There are two big lights on the outside of the church that turned colors, from a bright white to an orange when we pulled up after the three trips around the church. Sure the headlights could have caused the lights to change colors as they were shining directly on the two lights before we cut the headlights off, but we don’t really know for sure what caused this to happen. If you have the time, and you live near Munford, then give it a circle or three, make your own story and conclusion.