The Munford Foundry
The Foundry
On February 23rd, 2007 The OPS Team decided to check out the Munford Foundry. We arrived around 8:00. We did a walk through with a night vision handheld camera and a digital voice recorder. The Foundry still resembled the Haunted House that is had been transformed into back in October. This site attracts many visitors during Halloween because of its history and also because the town turns it into a haunted house each year. We didn’t catch anything on video or audio here. We have since discovered we can get into the second building on the site, so there might be another investigation coming soon. We kind of think this one may be a hoax, but you be the judge. One quick parting note, we were chased by a big dog near the foundry that we have affectionally named Cujo.

OPS was contacted by someone with the following information about this case : I am one of the Jaycees that helped run the haunted house at the old foundry. You are correct on the hoax about the children. When we first built the house we said that this place is just to good not to have a story, so we made one up. It has been very fun to watch and hear the story spread. The story even made some web-sites as one of Alabama's most haunted places. I am attaching a picture taken in the "haunted house" building before we began construction. If you look in the doorway you can see the outline of someone. We put this picture on a web-site advertising the Haunted House and someone e-mailed us back and asked if we noticed it. The guy that took this picture says that he didn't tamper with it, but you decide.