Hell's Gate Bridge Folklore | Water Filters Fast onto Car Seat from Ghostly Couple
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Hell's Gate Bridge
Oxford – Hell’s Gate – The bridge has earned this name because it is said if you stop on the bridge and turn around, the road behind you will look like the fiery gates of Hell. Many years ago a young couple lost their lives on this bridge. On a dark night, if you stop on the bridge and turn off all the lights, a member of the dead couple will get into the vehicle, leaving a wet spot on the seat. Supposedly the water filters fast into the seat, leaving evidence of the presence of the couple that had lost control of their car and drowned in the water below, many years ago. If what lore says is true, if water filters into the seats of non-lit, stationary vehicles on this bridge, this couple may have more of a story to tell. This bridge is quite old and rusting and the cement blocks preventing cars to pass through it are most likely there for safety reasons regarding stability. Unfortunately, it is not possible to test this lore as the blocks make it impossible to drive a car onto the bridge to witness whether the water filters onto the seat from the dearly departed or not.