Hill Elementary School Folklore
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Hill Elementary School
Munford - Hill Elementary School - The former principal and founder of the school, Ophelia S. Hill, haunt the school. She died outside the school by being struck by lightning. Some think she stays there to guard the school from any harm.
NOTE: This in one of the locations we hope investigate in the near future. We have been unable to get permission granted for an overnight stay as of yet.
UPDATE: 2-2-2008
This week, one of our team members on the research staff did some investigating into the folklore of Hill Elementary School in Munford. This school has been closed down since 2001. This has long been on our wish list as a location we hope to perform a full night investigation inside at some point. This location has changed hands many times since its closing. While we were able to get inside for a few hours at one point in time, we have been unable to have permission granted for a return overnight stay.
We decided to see if there was any truth to the claims of the stories of the old principals death, Ophelia Saunns Hill. The cliams are thet she supposedly died by lightning strike out in front of the school and now she haunts the grounds, some say protecting the school, even to this day. What we found was interesting.
She did not die from lightning strike as the old claims state. She did in fact die at her home on January 18th, 1954 in Talladega at 222 25th Street. The cause of death was congestive heart failure due to hypertension and high blood pressure. She was 63 when she passed. Mrs. Hill was born in Louisiana on March 27th, 1890, she was divorced at the time of her death and was listed as the "supervisor of teachers" for Talladega County.