Mid-Town Ceramics and Pottery - Anniston

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Case Evidence Review

Location: Anniston – Still Midtown Pottery

Date and Time of Case: November 10th, 2010 - 7:00pm – 1:30am

Team Members: 5

Claims from Occupants: The owners claim to see apparitions in the building, they hear voices, they have items moved or knocked down, they have items that have gone missing and they also receive numerous reports from their customers of different things they see and hear, even the kids see and hear things. They claim it is a very active location.

Equipment Placement: 4 stationary cameras were used throughout the business. We placed one facing the balcony where the apparition figure has been seen. We placed a camera in the back storage area where items have been moved and knocked off the shelves. We placed one in another part of the back storage area where a face was seen and the last camera was placed in the attic area where there has been activity and now construction work is taking place. 2 audio recorders were used, one placed on the balcony area and one carried by each team as we rotated shifts throughout the structure. The monitoring station was placed inside the business on the bottom floor near the main entrance. We did use the K2 meter and the ITC method but both yielded no evidence.

Investigation Findings: The only piece of video evidence we have from that night is a clip of the motion detector light going off three times in a row with nobody being anywhere close to it. It happened shortly after we set it up. **Below is a clip of that video**. We also captured two pieces of audio evidence from that night that we have been unable to identify as members of our team. **Both pieces of audio are also below for you to listen to**.  

          We have been invited back to investigate so we are planning on making a return visit to Still Midtown Pottery this spring for another investigation. Thanks guys, we had a blast!!

Click here for Audio file 1


Click here for Audio file 2 


Click on picture below to play video