Private Residence Oxford

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Undisclosed Residence in Oxford

On Friday September 28, the OPS Team visited a private location in downtown Oxford. This is a very beautiful old home that was built in 1906. The owners have claimed to have heard children playing in the garage in the early morning hours, an apparition of a man in clothing from another period, footsteps up and down the stairs, and their name being called out without anybody being there.
            We arrived around 8:00 pm and performed an initial walk through with the owners. The inside of the home and garage were toured by the team members while the owners gave explanations of different locations they have witnessed sounds or sights. The other team members unloaded equipment and begun to set up the monitoring station outside in the front yard. We placed four stationary infrared cameras throughout the home and inside the garage. The first was placed on the main stairway in the home. The second was placed in an upstairs bedroom. The third was placed in the upstairs hallway and the fourth was placed in the garage near the workshop.
Around 9:30 pm we did our initial walkthrough of the home for the temperature, EMF, barometric, humidity readings. We then met back at the monitoring station for a quick meeting/briefing. We broke up into three teams of two and started our investigation with one team remaining at the monitoring station, one team going upstairs in the home and the other team going to the garage.
We rotated teams throughout the night in each of these locations. The amount of vehicles that were present up and down the busy road in front of the home that night contaminated much of our audio. The homeowners did have guest over that night. While the owners have every right to do this it makes the job of reviewing any evidence tough trying to rule out different sounds and voices.
While a couple of the team members were on the stairs asking questions, they noticed a spike in their emf meter while they were asking, “If anyone is here with us can you make the emf meter spike up.” Later that evening another team tried to recreate the meter spike and was unable to do so. NOTE: Upon a return visit to the home a couple of weeks removed from the investigation, the emf meter spike was tried yet again. There is a constant spiking of the meter in this corner on the stairs that we now contribute to some sort of power surge living within or behind that particular wall.    
The only other piece of evidence recovered from that night was an evp audio clip from the upstairs bedroom. Two of the team members were in the bedroom for about 45 minutes and had been asking that if there was anything present with them to say their names. While nothing was heard that night with their ears what was found on the digital audio recorder was interesting. When they got up to leave, one last picture was taken; you will here the digital sound and one member reacting to the bright flash in his eyes. Then you hear the last name of the homeowners whispered, “Boullemet”, along with the name of one of the team members, “Amanda.” We wrapped up our investigation around 2:00 am.
Upon reviewing the evidence with the homeowners, they were really excited about hearing their name mentioned and they now feel a little less crazy in the claims. We are planning a return trip, if the owners wish for us to return to help them capture even further evidence into the activity that supposedly surrounds this home. Please keep checking back with us for updates to this case and as always thank you for believing and supporting OPS in their endeavors.

This is the file of the whispered voice saying the home owners last name (Boullemet) and seconds later the same voice says the first name (Amanda) of one of the 2 OPS members in the room at the time.

This is the video file of the EMF spike we found on the landing of the stairs.

(Above) This is a view from the staircase where a family member had reported seeing a figure years ago. (Below) This is the bedroom where we caught what appears to be a voice whispering the home owners last name.

(Above) This is the spot on the stairs where the strange EMF spike was caught. (Below) Here is the garage/workshop where the owner had reported hearing his name called out.