Sloss Furnaces

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On Saturday August 11th, the OPS Team took a trip to Sloss Furnaces to do an initial walk through of the site and take some pictures for our upcoming investigation. We took 5 team members over to Birmingham and spent about an hour and a half just looking over the Historic Landmark and getting a feel for the layout so when we come back at night to do our investigation we will have some sort of knowledge of the location. It is supposedely one of the most haunted places in Alabama with people always reporting paranormal activity. The ghost that is said to haunt Sloss is named Theophilus Jowers. Sloss is a massive structure and stretches out over 30 acres with most buildings giving access to people and it is extremely user friendly. Our tentative date for Sloss is right now is Friday September 7th.  


Update: Night Investigation

On Friday September 14, 2007, the OPS Team investigated Sloss Furnace. We have all heard the stories of the ghosts that supposedly haunt the grounds. One is supposed to be the ghost of a former worker that fell into one of the furnaces while he was working, the other is suppose to be of an old foreman who paces the catwalks of one of the old buildings.
            We arrived at Sloss at 9:00 pm and set up our equipment. Also joining the OPS Team on the investigation was a reporter and two photographers from the Birmingham Newspaper. We made the old building with the catwalks our home base for the monitoring station and placed four stationary infrared cameras at different angles inside the building to capture the catwalks, entrances and exits to the building. We also had four infrared camcorders that we walked around with as well as leaving them in some supposed hot spots for paranormal activity.  
            We took initial Emf, temperature, humidity and barometric readings of the building and surrounding structures around 10:45 pm and met back at the monitoring station for a quick meeting. Safety was a key topic with the amount of people (11); we had walking the site that had never visited Sloss before as well as how dark the location was. We split off into three teams, leaving one at the monitoring station at all times, one walking the grounds and surrounding structures and one sitting still and doing Evp work in the building with the catwalks.
            We also had reports from the guard that was there on the property all night with us that sometimes you will see homeless people that have broken into Sloss to find a place to sleep, so again safety and staying with your group was a necessity.
The first group walking the grounds was met by loud sounds of laughter and hollering coming from the backside of the property. Upon further investigation we found that there was a party going on that numbered in the forties or fifties of people present. This would later prove to be a big problem when we reviewed the audio and video from that night. After reviewing all of our evidence, we found that the audio was littered with voices from the party group and the video actually showed people walking through while we were investigating.
We finished our investigation around 3:00 am. While nobody in any of the groups actually saw anything, while reviewing the evidence at a later time we did find a voice on one of the digital recorders that nobody recognizes, this was caught near the train tracks by the plaque of Theopolis Jowers. Also, one of the groups was asking questions in the catwalk building and asked for their questions to be answered with a sound. With each of the three questions asked there was a loud bang that followed, these sounds were also captured on a digital recorder.
We have a return trip already in place for early November due to the contaminated evidence. While the audio evidence is there for us to hear and examine, we cannot with 100 percent certainty guarantee that it was nothing more than the group of partiers crashing the investigation. Thanks as always for joining us on our investigation results and for your continued support!!

This is the audio file of the possible voice recorded

Above you see some of the team checking out the catwalk in the main building.

Below you see more of the team conducting an evp session.